The Danger of Marijuana

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Don't Touch
Please don't even touch or try to smoke cigarettes mixed with dangerous drugs espesially marijuana. It's very dangerous for your health. This kind of drug is popular called pot, and the habit of smoking pot may send people to their graves before their time.

Damage Your Body n Soul
Pot smoking may damage the brain and other organs in the body, especially the reproductive organs. The dangerous effects of marijuana on the lungs, the brain and other organs of the body. They discovered other effects too : sleeplessness, heavy sweating, lack of appetite and nausea.

Marijuana is extracted from the cannabis plant. The cannabinoids are soluble in fat so they remain in the body's fatty organs after the smoking party is over. One organ that contains a large amount of fat is the human brain. The female reproductive organs also have high fat content. What harm does the marijuana build-up do to these organs?
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